Sunday, November 29, 2009

wii players

playing wii tennis

dancing dance dance revolution

and laughing at golf

iphone babies

Early, early adopters: Toddlers navigating technology in these iphone baby videos from YouTube...

watching videos

teaching adults

browsing photos

swiping the screen

Please share your own EA story or post links to your favorite EA youtube videos.

Monday, November 16, 2009

This blog is inspired by all the stories I've heard about young children playing and pretending with new technologies. This use of the term "early adopters" extends a marketing term for avid first wave technology users to young children who are curious explorers who willingly play with new media and who are also developing learners of new literacies and technologies. Following presentations on an article I wrote about early adopters, audience members often share their own stories about inventive children who tape together box lids to make cardboard laptops or carefully sketch computer icons on paper screens.

In this blog, I hope to provide a space for gathering stories or linking to videos that show young children as resourceful and knowledgeable users (and pretenders) of new technologies such as cell phones, iPods, digital cameras, and computers. These examples will help us better understand how children are learning new literacies such as texting, tweeting, posting, emailing, blogging, video games, and more.

Please add your own stories in the comment sections and respond to the stories that others post.